Illinois roadways will be busy this summer with families taking vacations, weekend trips and visiting with family and friends. But not buckling your safety belt can turn a fun, family vacation into a tragedy if you are involved in a crash.
“Safety belts are the single, most important safety device in your vehicle and they have saved countless lives and prevented countless numbers of injuries over the years,” said Wanda Vazquez, Traffic Safety Liaison, Rincon Family Services. “I urge everyone driving on our state’s roadways this summer to drive carefully, do not drive impaired and, most importantly, buckle up each and every trip, day and night.”
Statistics show that more passenger vehicle occupants are buckling up during the day, but not enough at night. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), nationally, 61 percent of the 10,647 passenger vehicle occupants who were killed in motor vehicle traffic crashes overnight (6 p.m. to 5:59 a.m.) were not wearing their safety belts at the time of the fatal crash, compared to 42 percent during the daytime hours.
“Safety belts clearly save lives. But, unfortunately, too many people still need a tough reminder. That is why law enforcement will be out in force, day and night, ticketing those who are not buckled up,” said Wanda Vazquez, Traffic Safety Liaison, Rincon Family Services.
Remember- May 11 to May 28 is the Illinois Click It or Ticket campaign. Buckle up and encourage your loved ones to do the same. Wearing your safety belt is your best defense against an impaired driver.
For more information about the Click It or Ticket campaign, please visit