What Health Experts Don’t Tell You
A study by the US Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health finds that people who have never married were 58 percent more likely to die than married people in terms of a normal life expectancy. And in further comparison, people who are widowed are 40 percent more likely to die and people who are divorced or separated are 27 percent more likely to die than those who still have a married partner when comparing a similar advanced body age.
This phenomenon was also verified by numerous independent studies. single, divorced and widowed men or women simply have a higher mortality rate than their married counterparts.
“Being in love and being married can drive a person to perform better in all aspects of life” says marriage expert Hellen Chen, who has personally match-made for over 100 singles and further followed up with the couples’ married lives afterwards.
Chen has frequently worked with men and women who have lost faith in relationships and given up on the aspect of marriage. Some have been divorced and some have had many bad relationship experiences.
“When I finally convinced them to step into marriage and really learn to create the loving relationship they want, you can see a changed person right in front of your eyes. They become more energetic in life and they just feel and look better!” smiled Chen.
Being happily married herself for over 20 years, Chen said that her relationship with her spouse has helped her stay youthful and energetic.
Chen work long hours as a business management consultant running companies in two different time zones: US and Taiwan.
She has also written 20 books as an author.
Her frequent travels mean a huge amount of time spent on airplanes and adjusting to the time zones frequently.
“Some of my close friends said I have never aged a day.” Chen laughed. “That is of course not true. Like everyone else who is watching his or her health, I eat correctly, exercise and take care of myself. However, my husband and I have never stopped taking time to create love in our relationship.”
Chen said while traveling, she and her husband would write “love texts” or emails to each other despite that they might be on different sides of the planet. A love letter from her husband was shared recently on her website: http://matchmakerofthecentury.com/love-letter-husband/
The benefits of love seem not limited to health and appearances.
According to the latest 2012 population report by US Census Bureau, married men between are getting higher salary than single men. This report also showed married women earning more wages than single women.
Chen’s matchmaking and marriage theories were further proven by last year’s Nobel Prize win of two American economists, Alvin Roth of Harvard University and Lloyd Shapley of the University of California Los Angeles, who applied the matchmaking process in scientific ways to medicine and to job seekers, and thus prove that correct matching improved the results for all involved.
“Men and women simply do better in careers and health when they are together. Love is the best anti-aging vitamin.” Chen added.
Chen wrote about the real-life stories of the couples she match-made in her book, “The Matchmaker of the Century.”
This book was launched on Barnes and Noble last year and while debunking many marriage myths such as “romance ends where marriage begins,” it struck a chord with readers and subsequently achieved #1 bestselling status in 6 categories: marriage, self-help, relationships, love and romance, self-improvement and parenting and family.
Chen has also started a Love You Forever campaign which aims at helping singles and couples to learn how to keep a healthy relationship.